Caring for a loved one after being diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease or a similar dementia is a trying time. Often the primary caregiver finds him/herself struggling to balance of caring for their loved one and maintaining a healthy relationship with their immediate family, friends and work. For loved living too far from their loved one, they find it just as difficult.
Care To Be Home caregivers can help lessen the burden of caring for your loved one in a number of ways.
Our Respite program allows the primary caregiver to catch a break from the physical and emotional stress of caring for a loved one. Our caregivers can assist once a week or once a month for as much time as one needs. This allows the primary caregiver the opportunity to shop, sleep, see a movie or spend time with other friends and family that may be feeling neglected. More importantly respite care allows the primary caregiver a chance to de-stress and stop the worries over their loved one for a short amount of time because they know we are there for them.
For those who can’t care for their loved one because of work, family or distance our team of caregivers can provide assistance 24/7. This allows for the family to know that Mom or Dad is home safe with somebody who can supervise and assist them with the tasks that have become more difficult.
Our team of caregivers are available to cover while you are at work, over the weekends, nights, days, or anytime that you can’t be there yourself.
Benefits of staying home:
- Familiar Surroundings – Their furniture, their friends, their pictures, their memories
- Controlled environment
- Same caregiver or same caregivers
- Routines that work for the client not accommodate the facility or caregiver
- Many other benefits
- More focused one on one care allowing Mom or Dad to do as much as possible and remain as independent as possible.