Veterans Aid & Attendance
Veterans Aid & Attendance:
By Brad Fausett, November 11th, 2015
Great sacrifices have been made my millions of Veterans and their families to protect the freedoms of our nation. As our Veterans age often they find everyday tasks like eating, showering, walking, and other daily tasks become more difficult. For those with means they may hire a caregiver through a homecare agency or move to an assisted living center to receive the assistance they need. For those who may not be able to afford to pay their long term care costs with their own funds, the Aid & Attendance (A&A) Pension was setup to help cover some of the costs for our Veterans and their surviving spouse.
Who Qualifies
The A&A Pension is designed to re-pay those who served, for the sacrifices they made to protect our freedoms. In order to be eligible for the A&A Pension you must not be able to cover the costs yourself (means evaluation) and have a doctor provide medical evidence that you require additional assistance. You must also be eligible for a VA pension.
Other conditions that must be met:
You served one day during a period of war with at least 90 days of active duty. Serving in combat is not a requirement.
- Must be 65 or older
- You received a discharge status other than dishonorable.
- You require the aid and attendance of another person to assist you with one or more daily self-care activities, such as washing, bathing, dressing, personal grooming, feeding, toileting, cleaning, communicating, and shopping.
Qualifying Periods of Wartime
World War II December 7, 1941 through December 31, 1946
Korean Conflict June 27, 1950 through January 31, 1955
Vietnam Era August 5, 1964 through May 7 1975
February 28, 1961 through May 7, 1975 (For veterans who served “in country”
Gulf War August 2, 1990 through a date to be set by law or Presidential Proclamation
Iraq and Afghanistan It is believed that those totally disabled in these wards may qualify
2015 Pension Amounts
Maximum Monthly Pension
Married Veteran $2120 Month
Single Veteran $1788 Month
Surviving Spouse $1149 Month
Dependent Spouse $1404 Month
Two Married Veterans $2837 Month
Monthly pension (means evaluation) is determined based on income and eligible expenses as well as easily converted assets. (Typically House and Vehicles are excluded)Those on Medicaid, Aid and Attendance payments will not be counted as income (in most situations) for those beneficiaries who reside at home, however the basic pension does count as income.
How to Apply
Special Note: It is illegal for any person or company to charge or accept compensation for helping a veteran or surviving spouse in applying for the Aide and Attendance Pension.
For a veteran living in Las Vegas there are a few ways to apply:
1. Contact our
2. Apply online at:
3. Writing or contacting the Reno Regional Benefit Office.
Reno Regional Office
5460 Reno Corporate Drive
Reno, NV 89511
Phone: 800-827-1000
Additional Documents and Resources
For Veterans VA Form 21–526:
For Surviving Spouse VA Form 21–534:
Accredited VA agent index:
Discharge or Separation Documents (DD 214)
VA Form 21-22 if a Veteran’s Service Organization or 21-22a if individual is acting as the claimant’s representative
Form 21-4142: Authorization and Consent to Release Information to the Department of Veterans Affairs
Letter from the claimant’s attending physician VDVA Form 10
Physician Statement, VA Form 21-2680 or Nursing Home Statement, VA Form 21-0779
Medical Expenses incurred, VA Form 21-8416
Marriage Certificate and Death Certificate (Surviving Spouses only)
Asset Information (bank account statements, etc.)
Verification of Income (social security award letter, and statements from pensions, IRAs, annuities, etc.)
Proof of Medical Premiums (Insurance Statements, Medication or Medical bills that are not reimbursed by Medicaid or Medicare)
Voided Check for Aid and Attendance Direct Deposit
The above forms required can be found:
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